
Rock quotes wall stickers

I like uncommon things. I also like the feeling that I have something that nobody else has (but honestly, who doesn't like this feeling? ;) ). Now, when you can buy everything, creativity is the only thing that can help you in this case. While looking for some rock inspired wall decoration, I decided to use my quite long list of favourite rock songs quotes. I started to collect them a few years ago and now there are so many, that it was a tough decision to choose the ones I would like to see everyday on my walls. I decided to go with Led Zeppelin and Queen, but I feel that's kind of a feeling when you've made a tattoo. You've made it once and you want more and more... So there are already next quotes waiting to be printed :)

Stickers you can see I've ordered in one of online shops selling ready quote stickers (google "wall quote sticker"). I've asked them to prepare a design base on text I've sent them and after I approved it, they printed it. Do you like the idea?
And here you go songs which inspired me :)

Take care!

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